All the endeavor of Arsha Club is toward providing different amenities and services for its members in order to help them to improve their health and physical readiness.
Jogging and running on a standard path and in a beautiful place with fresh air is one of the best ways to maintain health and preserve physical readiness. Both these activities are among aerobic exercises that help to strengthen bones and muscles, improve cardiovascular health, increase calorie burning and promote fitness. Arsha Club Jogging Path has been designed and constructed in order to meet all these goals.
This path is a running track located on the roof of Arsha Club which passes through the fruit trees and has a remarkable view of the outdoor courts.
Arsha Club Jogging Path is a Tartan Track that lets runners and athletes jog and run even in a bad-weather without serious performance loss. Another important feature of such a path is preventing damage to joints at the time of jogging or running.